Join your fellow flamencos in lending a hand to Austin’s homeless population by contributing to our “Winter Kit” drive and fundraiser! “Winter Kits” contain essentials like warm hats, gloves, thermal socks and handwarmers, which can help keep people alive during colder temps. Flamencura is raising money to buy supplies in bulk and then assemble them into kits for Caritas to distribute to Austin homeless. If we can raise $500 we can make kits for approximately 40-50 people experiencing homelessness this winter! Let’s do what we can to help out, flamencos!
Contribute what you can via Venmo (suggested donation: anywhere from $5 to $50). Scan the QR code below, or send it to me at OliviaLChacon. Please write “Caritas Fundraiser” in the comments section!

Note: Since we are not a non-profit, this donation is not tax-deductible. If you prefer to donate using a tax-deductible method, please donate directly to Caritas of Austin here: https://caritasofaustin.org/donate/give/ You can type “Flamencura Music & Dance” in the notes section so your donation is recognized as part of Flamencura’s effort!
This is a tough time for everybody, but it feels so good to help others who are in need. Our flamenco community has a great big heart, and we can do a lot to better our community. Gracias, flamencos!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at info@flamencura.org.