Summer Sunday Workshops

Beginner Castanets Workshop

This 4-class workshop offers an introduction to castanets: how to play them, how to practice, and how to dance while playing! Castanets are a beautiful and complex part of our flamenco tradition, and learning to play castanets improves your coordination and musicality, while opening up a whole new world of dance possibilities! This class is for dancers at the Advanced Beginner level and above, with no castanet experience or for those who need a refresher of basic skills. Sundays, 1-2pm. Class dates: July 21, 28, August 4, August 11.

Registration Beg. Castanets Workshop

Int/Advanced Bulerias Workshop

This 4-class workshop is for Intermediate and Advanced dancers who know plenty of steps, but are unsure how to improvise a patada por bulerias. We’ll practice listening to the guitar and cante to find the compas, internalizing that compas, choosing marcajes, llamadas, and salidas, and doing palmas and jaleos in a juerga or fin de fiesta situation. Classes are Sundays, 1-2pm. Class dates: June 16, June 23, June 30, and July 14 (No class July 7). Classcards accepted, or $48 for the 4 classes.

Registration Bulerias Workshop

Advanced Castanets

For dancers with at least an Intermediate class level, and proficiency in basic castanets technique. Sundays 2-3pm starting June 16. No class on July 7. Classcards accepted, or $98 for 8 classes.

Registration Int/Adv, Castanets
Student Name
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