Summer Flamenco for Kids


July 17- August 12

New Intensive Class for Summer 2014: Flamenco Basics for Kids 6-12 Years

The class provides a thorough introduction to flamenco dance and, including technique, rhythms and short dances, all taught in a supportive, bilingual (English/Spanish) setting with an emphasis on cultural elements.

For boys and girls 6-12, no experience necessary

New students completing this class will be well prepared for Flamencura’s regular classes in Fall 2014.
Flamenco or folklorico shoes are recommended, though not required, and are available for purchase at the studio.

Classes will take place at Flamencura Music and Dance studio located at 7113 Burnet Rd Tuesdays and Thursdays July 17-August 12 (8 classes total), 3-4pm  $98

Classes are taught by Olivia Chacon, an experienced dancer and maestra who has taught adults and kids since 2005. She is has been an adjunct instructor at McCallum Arts Academy since 2012, and has taught flamenco at Becker Elementary and other area school programs. She has taught Flamencura’s regular Kids and Youth Flamenco classes since 2010.


Kid’s Summer Registration
Student Name

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