Spring 2018 Bata de Cola Workshops

The Bata de Cola (dress or skirt with a train) is one of the female flamenco dancer’s greatest tools and traditions. The use of the bata de cola in flamenco dance goes back to the 19th century, when props like the manton de Manila (shawl) and abanico (fan) were also introduced, leading to a very feminine style of flamenco centered around Sevilla and Cadiz. Dance with the bata de cola requires a special technique, as well as strength and agility.

All Bata de Cola Workshops are 8-week sessions starting Sunday, March 11. Classes are for Intermediate and Advanced level students only. Students must have their own batas. Space is extremely limited in each class, so no drop-ins are allowed. Students must purchase the full 8-class session–no other class cards may be applied to the bata workshops. Spots in each class are allotted on a first come, first served basis, and registration will be closed when classes are full.
FYI: Castanet class will continue at 1pm through May, 2018.


Introduction to Bata de Cola

Sundays 3-4pm starting March 11

This class is for Intermediate or Advanced level students with little or no previous experience with the bata de cola. Technique and a choreography for performance will be taught. There is a limit of 8 students for this class.

Registration Intro to Bata
Student Name


Intermediate/Advanced Bata de Cola with Manton

This class is for Intermediate or Advanced level students who have taken at least one previous bata de cola course, and preferably have experience with manton as well. Technique and choreography for performance including both bata de cola and manton will be taught. There is a limit of 6 students per section for this class (two sections).

Section A: 12-1pm starting March 11


Registration Adv. Bata Section A
Student Name

Section B: 2-3pm starting March 11


Registration Adv. Bata Section B
Student Name




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