Here’s my latest collection of Flamenco resources: vocabulary, music and video playlists, artists to follow on social media, album of the Summer, and more! If you missed our previous Flamenco Resource Collection, you can access it here: https://flamencura.org/flamenco-resources-spring-2021/
First, remember to create your account at my.flamencura.org to access your class videos. Once you have an account, look for the “Content Library” link to find videos of every class on the current session.
Flamenco Musical Terms
Compas: Generally translated as “rhythm,” but also has other applications. For example, each bar or unit of music is referred to as one compas, for example 12 counts in Bulerias or 8 in Tangos, etc. You could say, “We’ll do four compases of marcaje, then a two-compas llamada.”
Palo: A term used to classify the many different styles of song/music within Flamenco. Attributes such as rhythmic structure, musical key, song structure, and lyrical origin and content are used to determine the “palo.” Some palos include Alegrias, Bulerias, Fandangos, and Soleares.
Cante: Flamenco singing
Letra: One verse of flamenco singing. The length and structure of a letra depends upon the palo of the song.
Coletilla: A shorter phrase of cante that may be added on to the end of a letra (like a cola or ‘tail’), especially common in Alegrias and Tangos.
Estribillo: A short cante that may be repeated, kind of like a chorus.
Falseta: A melodic guitar interlude. A falseta may be included in between verses of cante or in the case of a solo guitar composition, falsetas are linked one after another.
Album/Artist of the Month: Israel Fernandez, “Amor”
On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1SIx1VUXzTJIN3MZ901WWO?si=tqRfkXz1QQOkTX7haVSZag
On YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_n_H_6H29DgE3BIGfzal50AbN4PKUtp4d8
Check out a video of his Buleria, “Anhelo”: https://youtu.be/BwOryAKfQ2E
Follow Israel on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/israelfernandezcantaor/?hl=en
Dancer of the Month: Patricia Guerrero
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patricia_guerrero_oficial/?hl=en
YouTube: https://youtu.be/NqXspygR4UE
Olivia’s Flamencura Playlist on Spotify:
Flamenco Movie Recommendations:
“Flamenco,” 1995 Directed by Carlos Saura: https://youtu.be/Naea31w7D_w
“Flamenco Flamenco,” 2010, Directed by Carlos Saura (sort of a “next generation” version of the previous film). Buy or Rent on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/YOS0cFryqb8
…or here’s one of the individual pieces you can find on YouTube for free: https://youtu.be/DwyMJcL6QHA
“Procession: The Movie,” by my own company A’lante Flamenco (2021)! https://alanteflamenco.com/
Flamenco Shoe Sources:
My personal favorite brand is Luna Flamenca, from Madrid: https://www.lunaflamenca.net/
FlamencoExport is a great source for Gallardo and Begona Cervera shoes, both good brands (as well as accessories like castanets, mantones, costumes, etc.): https://www.flamencoexport.com/flamenco-best-sellers/flamenco-shoes.html
Amazon.com is now carrying some Spanish brands like Menkes online, but with limited availability, so check back frequently: shorturl.at/sGLPW
Let me know if you are looking for any specific resources and I can help you out!
See you in class,
Olivia Chacon