Registration is now open for our Winter/Spring 2020 Beginner Flamenco classes! This time we are opening two Beginner classes starting at the same time: Sundays, 11am starting March 8, and taught by Stephanie Keeton, and Mondays 6:35pm starting March 9, taught by Olivia Chacon!
Each class session consists of 8 classes (1 per week) plus a make-up class in case of absence at the end of the session. These classes should be lots of fun, and if you’re motivated to take more than one class per week, you can do both! We expect these classes to fill up pretty quickly, so don’t hesitate to sign up ASAP.
Spots for our adult beginner flamenco classes are on a first-come, first-served basis. Make sure to register as soon as possible since we have a limited number of spaces, and the class will definitely fill up!
Please note: this class will be taught at Flamencura’s NEW studio, at 8910 Research Blvd., Suite D3! Here’s a map of the location.
If you have any questions please email us at info@flamencura.org or text us at 512 942 7892.