Flamencura Open House

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Come help us celebrate our brand new space! After nine years, we have relocated to a big, beautiful new studio at 8910 Research Blvd, and we want all of Austin to come party with us–flamenco style!

Events for the day include performances from our Flamenco Kids, Youth, and Adult classes and soloists, plus A’lante Flamenco. AND, check out a mini-workshop/demo of Carisa Leal’s new Rosalia-inspired dance moves, and also a Sevillanas dance party and vintage flamenco movies!

Refreshments will be available–BYOB! This is a free, family-friendly event–donations appreciated.

Register on the spot for a New Beginner Adult class session and receive 20% off!

The party starts at 5:30pm and continues until 9:30pm, or until the flamencos go home. Here’s a tentative schedule of events for the day (subject to change!):

5:30pm: Doors Open (hot chocolate and snacks)
6pm: Kids & Youth performances
6:30pm: Rosalia Flamenco/Hiphop Mini workshop by Carisa
7pm: Dance performances by Justi Trauernicht, Eilleen Terrell
Fernandez, and Cristina de Llano Porche and A’lante
7:30pm Sevillanas review and dance party!
8pm: Rosalia Flamenco/Hiphop Mini workshop by Carisa
8:30pm: Sangria and refreshments
8:45pm: Student Showcase Performance

Our new studio is a hidden gem, so here’s a map to help you find us:

8910 Research Blvd., Suite D3

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